Startup Preschool in Osnabrück

26. September 2023

The Preschool is active in Germany and Scandinavia, since the first Preschool more than 700 people have already applied to participate, more than 50% of the participants are female, and more than 40 companies have been founded by the Startup Preschool Alumni.

In the Startup Preschool, participants learn:

  • How to build the business idea into a business model
  • How to find the first customer contact
  • More about the local business culture
  • More about the legal conditions of a business start-up



Between 27th and 29th of October, Startup Preschool Osnabrück will take place for you who want to start a business. Join the 3-day free crash course in entrepreneurship!

Here you can find more information about the Startup Preschool.

For registration please click here.

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